Title: The Exodus (The Hunted series: Book 2)
Author: Ali Winters
Genre: Fantasy/Paranormal
Release date: 03/07/2017Betrayal changes everything
Balance has been restored. Nivian is enjoying the peace of her existence once again, with the added perk of her best friend to show her what it is like to be alive. Hunters and Reapers are now working together again for the first time in millennia.
With the stress of a new shift threatening to rip the veil between realms, Silas’s disappearance, and her lack of memories from her life haunting her dreams, Nivian begins to pull away from Kain.
When the balances starts to shift out of control at a dangerous rate, Nivian and Kain must find the cause. If they don’t, the world as they know it may change forever.
Ali grew up in the Pacific North West. She attended Oregon State University for photography. After many adventures she moved to Colorado and earning second degree, she found, met, and married her husband.
Ali currently lives in windy Wyoming with her husband and two dogs, Nika and Tedward. When not writing Ali is either photographing, knitting, reading, dancing, or staying inside where it’s warm with a hot cup of coffee. She also dreams of traveling the world someday soon.